Sound detection

Capture sounds with the purest data for your analysis tools.

Sound detection - A high SNR and AOP microphone will enable improved sound detection in any environment to help solve these problems, while ensuring privacy, and ultimately help developing our communities

Smart cities, buildings and homes

Public spaces, buildings and homes will be supported by many smart IoT sensors to ensure safety, energy savings and a healthy environment. We believe the ability to detect sounds accurately to analyze events that have happened will be important in many applications. Are the noise levels around a construction site unacceptably high for the community? Is someone trying to break into the building or you home? A high SNR and AOP microphone will enable improved sound detection in any environment to help solve these problems, while ensuring privacy, and ultimately help  developing our communities.

Condition-based monitoring with sensiBel

Condition-based monitoring

A machine causing a halt on a production line or critical system failure can be very costly.  It’s desirable to monitor machines and equipment to detect abnormalities and schedule maintenance in a controlled fashion. Machines inherently output a sound signature and alterations in this signature indicates a possible future failure condition. sensiBel’s ultra-high SNR microphone, as a single microphone or in an array configuration, enables detection of the smallest of alternations in a machine’s sound signature in an effective an non-destructive way.